Colliery Locations


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Untitled Document <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">1. Ayrfield No. 3 Colliery</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Ayrfield No 3 Colliery, NSW, Australia (From the Jack Keily collection)"></td><td style="width:280px;text-align:top;"><p>On the 1st July 1935 Robert W. Miller acquired the southern coal leases on his lands south of Black Creek, the old Rothbury Colliery, and its rail sidings. The colliery, rail sidings and land leases were renamed Ayrfield No. 3 Colliery in 1936.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Ayrfield No. 3 Colliery.</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">2. Greta Colliery</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Greta Colliery, Greta, 28 December 1902 (A glass negative image taken by Ralph Snowball, from the Norm Barney Photographic Collection)"></td><td style="width:280px;text-align:top;"><p>Greta Colliery was established by the Greta Coal and Shale Mining Company in 1973. On 5th December 1900 an uncontainable fire broke out, killing five miners. After numerous attempts to retrieve the bodies, the mine was abandoned in 1902.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Greta Colliery.</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">3. Glen Ayr Colliery</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="no images on flickr. in the glen ayr folder there are scanned newspaper images from the flood>"</td><td style="width:280px;text-align:top;"><p>Work began at Glen Ayrs Colliery in 1914. In 1930 the mine experiences severe flooding. During the flood water rose 12 feet above tunnel entrances, destroying the pit-top heapstead building, screens, and head gear. The airshafts also collapsed. No attempt was made to restore the colliery to working order.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Glen Ayr Colliery.</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">4. Aberdare Central Colliery</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Poppet head (head frame) from Aberdare Central Colliery, Kitchener, NSW, Australia (From the Mines and Trains Exhibition Flickr Set)"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>Aberdare Central mine was opened in September 1917. The village of Kitchener was established shortly after, when the miners moved their families to the area. The colliery produced coal until 1961, when it was closed due to economic stresses.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Aberdare Central Colliery.</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">5. Aberdare Shaft Colliery</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Aberdare washery (From the Barry Howard Collection)"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>Aberdare Shaft Colliery was established in 1904. The two shaft colliery was powered by an onsite steam-driven electricity generation plant.  It was worked as a bord and pillar system until 1950, when conveyor belt technology was introduced. Coal production ceased in 1960, and the washery plant in 1982.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Aberdare Shaft Colliery.</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">6. Hetton-Bellbird Colliery</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Bellbird Colliery, NSW, Australia [n.d.](From the Barry Howard Collection)"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>Bellbird Colliery, was established in 1904. In 1923 there was a severe fire killing 21 miners, the most tragic accident in South Maitland coalfields. Two open-cut mines were dug in response to the extreme financial stresses in the 1950's. These ceased in 1967, followed by the 1976 closure of the underground mine.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Hetton-Bellbird Colliery.</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">7. Caladon North (Caledon Open-Cut Colliery)</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Could not find a picture of Caladon North"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>During WWII the economic advantages of open-cut mines had been discovered. In response to this, Caladon North (Caledon Open-Cut Colliery) was established on the Aberdare Shaft Colliery land lease in 1946. It was mined until 1952 when almost all the coal was won, then reopened between 1966 and 1968 to mine a small block of remaining coal.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Caladon North Colliery.</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">8. Maitland-Main Colliery</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Maitland Main Colliery, NSW, Australia - 1967 (From the George Davison Collection)"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>Wyalla-Maitland Colliery was established in 1921. In 1921 it was renamed Cessnock-Main Colliery. The colliery changed name again in 1923 to Gretamain Colliery, and to Maitland-Main Colliery in 1929. The colliery was closed in 1972 after it could not compete in the changed market conditions.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Maitland-Main Colliery.</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">9. Caledonian (Caldare Open-Cut Colliery)</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="No image of Caldare Open-Cut Colliery"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>Not sure this if Caledonian Colliery is the same as Caldare open-cut</p><p>Caldare Open-Cut No. 1 was established on the Aberdare Extended Colliery land lease in 1948 to more efficiently extract the coal. It was nearly worked out within the year, so work on Caldare Open-Cut No. 2 was started closer to the Aberdare Extended Colliery tunnel entrance. This area was worked until 1952.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Caldare Open-Cut Colliery</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">10. Stanford Main No. 2 Colliery</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Paxton Colliery, Paxton, NSW, Australia (From the Barry Howard Collectiobn)"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>Stanford Main No. 2 Colliery, locally known as Paxton Colliery, was established in 1901. In 1922 the East Greta Coal Mining Company, who owned the land, sub-divided a portion of its freehold land into housing lots to form Paxton Village.  Electricity was provided to the village from Stanford Main No. 2 Colliery by 1925.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Stanford Main No. 2 Colliery</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">11. Elrington Colliery (Hebburn No. 3)</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Coal mine, [Elrington Colleiry, near Cessnock, NSW, n.d.] (From the Bert Lovett Collectiobn)"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>The nine mine workings originally named Hebburn No. 3 Colliery were renamed Elrington Colliery shortly after they were established in 1925. Elrington Colliery was a pioneer of mechanised mining. Progressive machinery included battery operated shuttle cars, and the practice of 'roof bolting'. Mining ceased in 1962.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Elrington Colliery</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">12. Hebburn No. 1 Colliery</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Hebburn No. 1 Colliery - Weston, NSW, Australia - post 1965 (From the Barry Howard Collectiobn)"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>Operations were commenced at Hebburn No. 1 Colliery in 1902. Coal was extracted using the bord and pillar system. A powerhouse was constructed in 1903, and from 1916 it provided electricity for Weston. Coal production ceased in 1958. The wagon standage sidings were utilised until 1972, and the repair workshop until 1978.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Hebburn No. 1 Colliery</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">13. Hebburn No. 2 Colliery</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Hebburn No 2 Colliery poppet head (From the George Davison Collection)"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>Work at Hebburn No. 2 Colliery started in 1916, and the first load of coal was hauled in 1921. In the late 1950's management sought a solution to the 'pink-eye' ailment suffered by many miners. It was found that the offending sulphuretted hydrogen molecules emitted when disturbing new coal could be removed.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Hebburn No. 2 Colliery</a><p/></td></tr></table> <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">14. Neath Colliery</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Neath Colliery NSW [n.d.](From the Coal and Community - Cessnock area mines set)"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>Neath Colliery was established in 1906. The shafts experienced interference from underground water, which had to be pumped out. In 1926 heavy rains flooded the mine, causing extensive damage. The tunnels were closed in by 1951. The remaining coal was extracted with open-cut methods until 1959.</p><p><a href="url">Click here for more information on Neath Colliery</a><p/></td></tr></table> 15.  Pelaw Colliery produced its first coal in 1901. The mine experienced a minor fire in 1931, and flooding during the 1955 Hunter River flood. In 1953 an underground fall in the mine caused subsidence to reach the surface in the Pelaw village. Many homes were destroyed. Mining operations ceased in 1961. 16. Richmond Main Colliery 17. Stanford Merthyr Colliery 18. Stockrington No. 2 Colliery 19. Aberfield Colliery, Swansea 20. Catherine Hill Bay 21. Cockle Creek 22. Killingworth Colliery (West Wallsend Extended) 23. Lambton B Colliery (Redhead)24. Pacific Colliery 25. Rondda Colliery 26. Wallsend Colliery (Newcastle-Wallsend Coal Co. 'B' pit) <table width="430" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">27. Wickham and Bullock Island Coal Colliery </td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px;text-align:top;"><img src="" alt="Wickham and Bullock Island Coal Company mine, [Wickham or Carrington], NSW, [n.d](From the Bert Lovett Collectiobn)"></td><td style="width:2800px;text-align:top;"><p>Wickham and Bullock Island Coal Company formed in 1879 and sunk shafts on Bullock Island (now Carrington), and at Wickham. By 1884 the two collieries were joined underground. The difficult terrain and roof conditions caused problems in 1885 and 1886. In 1905 mining was discontinued Wickham and Bullock Island.</p><p><a href="url">Wickham and Bullock Island Coal Colliery</a><p/></td></tr></table>

Map Legend

Branxton/Greta Area:

   1.   Ayrfield No. 3 Colliery 

   2.   Greta Colliery

Cessnock Area:

   3.   Aberdare Central Colliery 

   4.   Aberdare Shaft Colliery

   5.   Bellbird Colliery 

   6.   Caledon North (Caledon Open-cut Colliery) 

   7.   Maitland Main Colliery (Greta Main) 

   8.   Caledonian Colliery (Caldare No. 1 Open-cut Colliery) 

   9.   Stanford Main No. Colliery

Kurri Kurri/Weston Area:

   10.  Elrington Colliery (Hebburn No. 3) 

   11.  Hebburn No. 1 Colliery 

   12.  Hebburn No. 2 Colliery 

   13.  Neath Colliery

   14.   Pelaw Main (Stanford Greta Main No. 2 Tunnel) 

   15.   Richmond Main Colliery 

   16.   Stanford Merthyr Colliery 

   17.   Stockrington No. 2 Colliery 

 Lake Macquarie Area:

   18.   Aberfield Colliery, Swansea 

   19.   Catherine Hill Bay 

   20.   Cockle Creek 

   21.   Killingworth Colliery (West Wallsend Extended) 

   22.   Lambton B Colliery (Redhead) 

   23.   Pacific Colliery 

   24.   Rhondda Colliery 

   25.   Wallsend Colliery (Newcastle-Wallsend Coal Co. 'B' pit) 

   26.   Wickham and Bullock Island Coal Company Colliery

Coming Soon:

Killingworth/West Wallsend Area: 

Maitland Area:

Muswellbrook Area:

Newcastle Area:

Singleton Area:

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