Carrington Dyke
The Bullock Island Dyke was created in 1861 to deepen the channel. This later became known as Carrington Dyke. In 1877, construction started on a hyraulic power station. By 1878 coal loading had progressed to Dyke Point, Carrington. In that year hydraulic cranes were commissioned for the site and rail lines connected.
The last cranes at Dyke Point were dismantled in 1967. The Port Waratah Coal Loader was built by Gollin & Co. in 1974. Port Waratah Coal Services upgraded the facility in 1982. The Kooragang Coal Loader was built by Kooragang Coal Loader Ltd (KCL) in 1984. From the 1990s up until 2009 Port Waratah Coal Services progressively expanded its coal loading facilities.

Coal loader, Koorangang, 2012. Courtesy of Brenda Sullivan.
Port Waratah Coal Services, 2012. Courtesy of Brenda Sullivan.
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