Mining Organizations
Australian Council of Trade Unions – formed in 1927
Colliery Employees’ Federation body representing unskilled miners before representation by the Miners’ Federation
Central Council
Elected national committee of the Miners’ Federation.
Joint Coal Board (JCB)
Established by the federal and NSW Governments after WWII to supervise the coal industry.
Miners Federation
Popular name for the Australasian Coal and Shale Employee’ Federation c1915; represents unskilled or ordinary mineworkers in Australia.
Miners Lodge
The organisational unit of the Miners’ Federation centred on an individual mine.
Northern Colliery Owners’ Association (NCA)
Metcalfe, Andrew, W., For freedom and Dignity: historical agency and class structures in the Coalfields of NSW, Allen & Auwin Sydney 1988.
Tonks, Ed. Coal mining in the Hunter Valley, 1979.
University of Wollongong. Mine Glossary. From . Retrieved on 14/03/2013.
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